Monday, November 10, 2014

Small City Charm: Pinole

I grew up in two small, neighboring cities my whole life. In my opinion, I think they should just be considered towns. A lot of people my age would rather drive the extra 25 miles to be in San Francisco on a Friday night, but not me. I enjoy my life as a "townie" and appreciate the small gems around Pinole, the current city Alejandro and I live in. While on my walk this morning, I decided to take a few shots of what I saw. I really wish I had taken more pictures, but also wish I had a better camera (I took all these photos with my iPhone 4S).

 In Words, With Love,
Vanessa Mae


  1. What a nice-looking place! I've just got the desert here, haha.

  2. It really is a beauty! However, I'm currently in the middle of the San Joaquin Valley for a job interview, and I may move here (depending on if I get the job). So, I'll almost be right there with you...desert heat with some farm land.
