Saturday, November 1, 2014

Life Rambles: Halloween 2014

Wow! Can you believe that it's already November? It's also my half birthday today (my birthday is May 1st), and I only mentioned this due to an e-mail I received from Bevmo. Haha! Anyway, how was everyone's Halloween? Safe I hope. I'm not a party girl or anything like that, so I don't go to things like Spook Fest. I'd rather be around people I know. So, last night, I went to my family's Halloween party. Surprisingly, not as many adults dressed up this year. Back in 2008, everyone was in costume, including my aunt, who dressed up as a pregnant nun (she really was pregnant)!  I was one of the only adults dressed up, but everyone loved my costume. I actually didn't buy a costume. Instead, I threw something together and got creative. I decided to take it back to the 90s with this one.
That's right! I went as Ziggy the Zebra, the Beanie Baby! Who remembers Beanie Babies? My Grandpa got a kick out of my costume and loved the fact that I actually wrote the poem inside my handmade TY tag. My 8-year-old cousin, Melina, ran up to me saying, "Oh, my gosh, your costume's so cuuuute!" Unfortunately, she didn't know what the tag was for. She just thought I was a zebra. I actually felt old. Haha!
Melina as Aurora and me as Ziggy the Zebra
Melina wearing her dad's creepy mask
There was a lot of food at the party. There was pizza, pasta salad, chips and salsa (really hot salsa), garlic bread, and of course, dessert! My aunt made really cute cupcakes with a spider web design and spider rings, and she also made brownies in the shape of a ghost (she used white frosting and made faces on them). There was also pie there, but no one cut it up. Except Jaime kept trying to get someone to do so.
I primarily hung out with my cousins, Rafael and Katie, the whole night, and Jaime decided to join us too. We hung out at the dessert table and chatted away. I also saw some family friends I hadn't seen in a while, which was really nice. Eventually, Rafael and I asked the question that everyone had on their minds, "When are we gonna start drinking?" We were already drinking beer, but we wanted to know where the real alcohol was. So, we brought out the huge bottle of vodka and poured shots and mixed drinks. I didn't drink too much, though, because I had to drive.
Alejandro asked me to pick up some food for him from Jack in the Box, and when I pulled up to the window, the lady called me cute face. Haha! I knew our friend Kelvin was at the house too, and he brought beer, so I drank more once I got home. When I saw him, he said, "Thank God you're not dressed all slutty like other girls tonight." He went to UC Santa Barbara, so he's seen a lot.
Thanks for the beer, Kelvin! 36 beers shared among the three of us. Challenge accepted!
The night dwindled down, Alejandro and I sat in bed, and I wanted to watch Hocus Pocus. I couldn't make it through the first 10 minutes. I was too tired. We'll save it for later today. For now, I'm on a mission to find some food to soak up this alcohol. :P Have a great day, everyone! Happy November!
Alejandro had already washed off his cat makeup.
Meeko and me
In Words, With Love,
Vanessa Mae


  1. Funny enough, it was my mom who liked to collect Beanie Babies, not me. I mean, I benefited from it as she gave them all to me and my siblings, but I really only "liked" them because all of my friends did! The only one I remember now is Jake the mallard duck since that's my brother's name. XD

    Also, I watched Hocus Pocus today! It's one of those movies that just never gets old. When I watch it as an adult, though, I find it a little strange how often the word "virgin" is used. o.O I'm sure there are a lot of kids who ask their parents every year what that word means. I remember being one of them! But I love that scene where the police officer teases him for being a virgin, haha.

    1. I would actually collect them and put them in cases! I was obsessed!

      I think I'll watch Hocus Pocus soon. It's weird watching it in high definition. I never caught on to the word "virgin." I honestly haven't watched it since I was a kid, so I'm going to pay close attention this time.
