Sunday, November 16, 2014

Liebster Award Part 2

Hello loves! I've been nominated a second time for the Liebster Award by Tea + Yoga + Me. If you didn't get the chance to read my first post, you can find it here. As stated before, the Liebster Award is a great way to find new bloggers and learn more about them. So, here we are with my second Liebster post, where you can learn a little bit more about me. Enjoy! :)

Rules for the Liebster Award:

  1. Post 11 random facts about yourself.
  2. Answer 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to do the same.
  4. Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

11  New Random Facts:

  1. I have a major sweet tooth!
  2. I am a Yelp Elite (look out for my Yelp Elite Event posts soon).
  3. I was actually a nursing student at first, but switched to occupational therapy.
  4. My favorite type of candies are sour candies (Sour Patch Kids, sour belts, etc.).
  5. I've never broken a bone.
  6. Grand Theft Auto is a great way to relieve stress for me. :P
  7. I used to take hip hop dance classes from a guy who competed on America's Best Dance Crew.
  8. Peanut butter is my favorite healthy snack.
  9. The length at which my hair is now is the longest I've ever had it. 
  10. I actually enjoy shopping by myself.
  11. I have 12 tattoos.

Nominated Bloggers (I only chose three this time, because most people I follow have over 200 followers):

Liebster Questions:

  1. What first made you start blogging?
    Answer: As I've said before, I actually used to blog on Tumblr, but to be quite honest, I wasn't very original. I was just another girly blog. So, after almost a year of not blogging, I decided to start a lifestyle blog where I could hopefully inspire others and allow others to find a place where they could relate. 
  2. What is the weirdest/best job you have ever had?
    Answer: The weirdest job I ever had was a part-time job for this guy who needed help posting things for sale on Ebay, Amazon, Craigslist, etc. In addition, I also helped him make grills at the tattoo shop I used to manage and pierce at. Random, I know. As for the best job I ever had, I'd have to say it was being a rehabilitation aide for an outpatient rehabilitation clinic. I had this job while I was in OT school, so it was very helpful for experience.
  3. What is your favorite comfort food?
    Answer: Hands down, my mom's sinigang (extra sour) with steamed rice!
  4. What is your favorite type of tea?
    Answer: Ooh, this one is tough. I think I'd have to go with chai tea.
  5. Batman or Spiderman?
    Answer: You know, I used to love Spiderman, mainly because he was our class mascot in high school (not to confuse it with our school mascot), but I'd choose Batman.
  6. What is your biggest indulgence?
    Answer: Makeup for sure! I'm never satiated with what I have. 
  7. Cooking or Baking?
    Answer: Baking
  8. What sport have you always wanted to try but never have?
    Answer: I've always wanted to try snowboarding.
  9. What is your favorite book?
    Answer: Johnny Angel by Danielle Steel. I've read it three times, and it's just so heart warming.
  10. What language do you want to learn?
    Answer: Latin
  11. What is your favorite Leonardo DiCaprio movie?
    Answer: Titanic

My Questions:

  1. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  2. When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  3. What is your favorite video game?
  4. Who would you love to have dinner with? (Celebrity or not, dead or alive)
  5. What was your favorite vacation?
  6. Do you have a favorite family tradition?
  7. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  8. Do you have a guilty pleasure? If so, what is it?
  9. There's a zombie apocalypse! What's your weapon of choice?
  10. What is the last movie you saw in theaters?
  11. What was your first concert? If you've never been to one, what concert would you like to attend?


  1. Thank-you so much Vanessa for the award. I also have awarded you too. Much love and thanks <3

    You can see the Award post here:

  2. You're welcome! And, again, thank you for nominating me as well! :)

  3. I didn't know you could be nominated twice! I still have to accept mine. My novel's been consuming all of my blogging time. X(

    1. I didn't know either, but I suppose you can be nominated as many times as it takes to get over 200 followers. I actually got nominated a third time, so I have to post that one later. I'm taking a Liebster Award break. Haha!
